Safety Awareness: Slips, Trips and Falls

Last month was National Safety Awareness month. While June had a focus on safety awareness in and around the work environment, it’s important to always be safe. It’s also just as crucial for the residents and visitors of a property to be aware of safety hazards as it is for those working in and around the building. Here are a few tips on how to prevent slips, trips and falls.

Proper Lighting

Many slip and fall accidents can be prevented by having your lobbies, stairs and hallways properly lit at all times. This also goes for entrances and outdoor walking areas. Have a staff member check light bulbs and lighting on a weekly basis to prevent any window of time where an area may not be lit properly. This alone can help direct many from ever getting themselves into any trouble.

Alert Staff Immediately

From simply spilling a drink in the lobby, to having a plumbing issue in a restroom, slippery environments can happen anywhere at any time. If anyone recognizes and reports any slippery floor surfaces or dangerous areas, be sure to contact your staff or cleaning service as soon as possible. There should always be a team or staff member ready to take care of these spills to avoid falls.

Caution Signs

Another effective way to prevent slips, trips and falls is to use caution signs in and around the unsafe area. Make sure that the signs are visible and clearly labeled. Using bright yellow or orange colors will also help get people’s attention. If necessary, you can also use cones or caution tape to block off the unsafe area to ensure that no one slips or hurts themselves.

You can help prevent injuries and accidents by sharing blogs and tips like these to friends, family members and colleagues. You can also learn more on other safety awareness tips by visiting the National Safety Council.