LOC of the Month – July’s Integrity

Every month, Planned Companies recognizes and nominates associates who have gone above and beyond their duties and have displayed one of our core values while on the job. Our Core Values include Integrity, Teamwork, Exceptional Customer Service and Never Being Complacent. Of the individuals who are nominated, one is chosen at the end of every month as the winner of that month. They are recognized and rewarded through our Living Our Core Program. They receive a special LOC pin, thank you letter and an extra monetized gift.

July’s Winner

This month, we’d like to share our LOC winner, Talisha Wynn. Here’s what her Operations Manager, Todd Geoghan, had to say about her:

“I would like to bring to your attention the outstanding service Talisha Wynn delivered on Tuesday, July 3, 2018 at 301 Carnegie Center. A motor vehicle accident occurred mid-morning at the Carnegie Center/Route 1 traffic light that propelled one of the vehicles onto the property and nearly into the fountain. Talisha, without hesitation, responded immediately to the vehicle and found the driver unconscious. Knowing her duty and understanding that “safety first” is a priority, Talisha put the driver’s vehicle in park and turned the still running engine off. She then waited with the driver, in the oppressive heat that day, until the police department arrived on scene. Needless to say, Talisha exceeded Hilton’s expectations that day, and that driver was extremely fortunate Talisha was on duty that day! We are grateful for Talisha’s exemplary service on July 3rd, and every day at 301 Carnegie Center!”

Talisha’s courage and fast response to this local incident may have saved the lives of those involved. It’s selfless acts like this that show how Planned Companies associates can and will go above and beyond their duties.

Big thanks to Talisha and all who were nominated for their hard work and efforts towards enhancing the quality of life of the clients and residents that we service. You’ve raised the bar by continuously delivering on our service promise and our Core Values. We know that your efforts will inspire those around you, both guests and colleagues. Keep up the great work!