Must-Have Qualities of a Professional Cleaning Service

Having a clean work or home environment is beneficial to a building’s overall professional appearance and reputation. From the moment people step out of their cars and into a building, they begin forming an opinion of the property. Do they see maintained, pleasing grounds? Do the windows sparkle? Are the floors well-kept?

But selecting the right company to maintain your building can be a challenge. How do you know they will perform well? What sets their service apart from its competitors? Here are the 5 must-have qualities of a professional cleaning service:

Credible Reputation

Don’t be afraid to ask for references and inquire whether or not they were satisfied, how long they have been working with the company, if they feel that they are reliable, etc. Reputation is quite significant and chatting with their customers firsthand will give you a better feel for their experience.


The appearance of your property depends on those that work within it and that includes those performing janitorial tasks. Look at how the cleaning company and their workers present themselves. From their website to their attire, you want a group to leave a lasting impression on your property’s visitors, residents and employees.


A professional cleaning service should always have the necessary equipment and specialty products to make your space shine! And this goes beyond a vacuum… well-established companies not only have the proper equipment but also consider the environment. With the trend of going green, ensure that they will provide safe processes for your tenants and your building.

Variety of Services

Whether you manage a small apartment building or a large university, each property requires specialized cleaning support. A first-class cleaning crew will offer a wide-range of services, all of which can be tailored to meet your needs.

Immense Pride

Find a team that takes pride in what they do. Cleaning is just as important as any other job, if not more so. Those working in your building should be detail-oriented and willing to go that extra mile and make the extra effort so that your property looks pristine.