Maintenance Tips Before Summer

With June right around the corner, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day activities that summer may bring. As a property manager, there’s a lot that must get done before the summer actually arrives. From pools reopening to making sure your building stays cool through the season, here are a few Maintenance tips before Summer.

AC Units

It’s going to be another hot summer this year and the last thing you want to do is have your residents be stuck in heated rooms. Be sure to have your maintenance team check that the air conditioning works throughout the building. Having a working HVAC system can really make or break the experience that your residents have during this time.

Smoke Detectors

While this isn’t only a summer item to check off the list, we’d like to remind you to follow up on testing your smoke detectors and security systems. Make sure all required batteries have been replaced if needed.

Bug Season

Another major concern that many property managers forget to address is being prepared for any unwanted pests. Not managing this properly can leave your residents bugging out! Make sure that the doors and windows throughout your building can close properly. This also goes for any cracks in the walls that may allow up pests to sneak in.

Don’t forget the outdoors!

Take advantage of the Spring weather and get outside to start cleaning and organizing. Now is the right time to prepare your pools and other summer amenities. The process may take longer than you think for certain amenities so getting a head start may save you a headache later.

This is also a good time to trim trees & shrubbery around your property. Old branches can be a hazard to your residents if you’re not careful. By doing this, you’ll also be helping dress up your property a bit which may come in handing when marketing your rental space.

The summer isn’t quite here yet, so you still have time to prepare. Follow up with some of the tips above and you’ll find your residents enjoy their summer in no time!