How Front Desk Staff Makes the Difference!

In today’s world, first impressions mean everything. Creating awareness to your front desk staff on how they greet guests is essential for keeping residents happy and safe. Here are a few characteristics that your staff should have if you’re looking to separate your property from the rest.

Smile Often

The very first thing that your residents and guests should be greeted with is a smile. If your staff is not to known as being upbeat and cheery giving others a smile in the morning, ask them to start. You will see a world of a difference in both your staff and the residents and guests. Positive energy is contagious – have your team spread their smile to your whole community!

Keep Calm

While we’re all human, with real-life reactions and responses, an outstanding front desk staff knows how to keep their composure during emergencies and other hectic times. Whether there is a riot in front of your building or there’s a simple complaint by a resident that needs to be assisted with, a great front desk staff person knows how to handle the situation in a calm manner with an upbeat, positive mindset.

Know the Area

You want people in your building who can really go above and beyond when it comes to great front desk service. Have a genuine knowledge for the location around your property can really make a difference. To be able to offer advice when a guest asks where they should go out to dinner tonight or pointing someone in the right direction on where the best morning bagels are served can truly win the hearts of all of your residents and their guests. This also saves people time by getting a quick and accurate answer to information around the area.

Enthusiasm & Passion

The best Front Desk staff is the kind that has a unique passion in servicing and helping others. While this isn’t something that you can simply train on, it’s a characteristic that you want to look for when you’re hiring. When one enjoys what they’re doing, that joy spreads in the purest of way, with no fake efforts or actions amongst everyone they engage with. The more enthusiastic about their duties and tasks, the better your residents will feel when speaking with them. We have Concierge that have worked in specific building for years and have become immersed with the residents and guests over time.

At Planned, not only do we hire on each of these traits listed above, we train our associates to your specific needs. Each property has specific situations and needs where not just anyone should service their front desk. Get your free property assessment today and learn more on what our Front Desk Services can do for you!