Are you Throwing in the Towel?

Did you make a resolution for 2018? Are you still sticking to it? Though many may kick off the year with great aspirations, unfortunately the majority, do not follow through with their original goals.

In order to succeed, you must identify the right resolution to improve your life and your business and create a plan of how to reach it.

This also goes for those who are in the property management category. Property managers hold a plethora of responsibilities. Whether your goal this year was to implement a sustainability program or perhaps it was to hire and train new candidates, daily duties pile up… and before you know it, your original objective for the New Year has been thrown out the window.

Thus, outsourcing can help save time and energy and take away any burdens that have you feeling bogged down.

The main reasons why many property managers elect to outsource include efficiency, cost savings and enhanced service to increase the value for the property.


Why outsource?


  • Immense property size – causing staffing to become too large for 1 or 2 managers to oversee
  • Staff turnover – People are people… whether they call out sick, move, find a new job, etc.
  • Professional recruiting and screening – recruiting and interviewing can take up a lot of time and it is pertinent to have resources that are trustworthy. An outside vendor can take the stress out of the process and handle everything from candidate searches to background checks
  • Training – once good candidate(s) are vetted and hired, even more time is needed to properly train new staff members
  • Oversight/supervision – and your job is still not done… once training and on-boarding is complete, it also falls on you to supervise staff (this includes time sheets, uniforms, performance and more)


Additional benefits include:

  • Reduced risk and liability – e. Associate Licensing, adherence to OSHA/SORA Standards, preventative maintenance, etc.
  • Payroll and insurance – easy access paystubs, provide health insurance options that keep associates and their families covered, and more
  • Elimination of overtime – outsourcing allows you to keep work schedules organized and prevent overtime
  • Green initiatives – by implementing new cleaning systems and establishing a knowledgeable team of LEED-accredited professionals, you can raise the bar and meet the growing needs of an environmentally-conscious client base


So, don’t be afraid to ask for help. At the end of the day, you can do anything but not everything. Outsourcing will help increase time, provide better resources and overall deliver a more pleasurable experience for both you and your tenants.