4 Benefits of Green Cleaning

4 Benefits of Green Cleaning

When it comes to comparing conventional cleaning products to green cleaning products, many will agree that green cleaning is the way to go. From a property management perspective, this alone can be the very thing that makes a world of a difference for your tenants’ experience. Here are 4 ways that green cleaning can leave your property feeling safe and spotless!

Safe Products

Conventional cleaning products can open the possibility of risk such as bad allergic reactions to certain chemicals to the cleaner’s eyes or skin. These chemicals may also be harmful to pets and children if overused or left in an unsafe area. Using green cleaning products reduce these risks to both the cleaner and everyone that’s in the environment.

Better Air Quality

One of the biggest advantages of green cleaning is that there are no toxic fumes left behind. There is no need to worry about proper ventilation or indoor air pollution. Many green cleaning products include pleasant natural essential chemicals that can provide a subtle scent.

A Clean Look

When it comes to showing your property to a new potential tenant, making a good first impression can be the absolute difference in making or breaking the deal. By committing to a green clean building, your prospect will not only see the difference, but will smell the difference from the moment they walk through your doors! Keep the quality of your air smelling fresh by using healthier, green appliances throughout the building. Everything from the products that your staffing company uses, to the

Happier Tenants

When you commit to a green clean environment, not only will you start to see the difference but your tenants and guests will recognize the difference too. A Green cleaning program not only improves overall indoor air quality but also reduces exposure to toxic chemicals. Put your tenant’s minds at ease by ensuring cleaner, healthier buildings. This can lead to better relationships, contract renewals and overall positive talk about your building and brand name.

As you can see, the reasons to switching to green cleaning are clear. Whether you’re hiring a team to do it in-house, or outsourcing the services externally, it’s well worth the time and energy to invest in it. If you’re interested in learning more on our Green Cleaning programs, click here.