4 Ways to Improve as a Property Manager

One of the Core Values that Planned Companies instills in each of our associates is to never be complacent. As a Property Manager, it’s paramount in learning new ways to grow your community while also continuing to deliver an outstanding experience to all of your residents and guests. Here are four essential ways to improving as a Property Manager.

Keep Up with the Digital World

We live in a world where technology is always shifting at a fast pace. Staying up to date with the latest news and digital tools will allow you to stay ahead of the curb. Everything from knowing the best tools to communicate with your residents to finding the best equipment for your buildings, these are sure ways to help you grow and improve your community and property.

One Task at a Time

It can be challenging to complete a project when you’ve got multiple tasks going on throughout the day. Although everything may feel like it needs to be complete in a timely fashion, it’s important to identify which tasks hold higher priority. Take a moment to make a punch list starting with the most important items. Being able to visualize what’s what can not only relieve stress but also allow you to execute accurately. Focus on the top priority at hand and handle it accordingly.

Delegate Different Levels of Responsibilities

This pointer compliments the “One Task at a Time” factor pretty well. Don’t be afraid to automate or delegate as many processes as possible. As a property manager, it’s your responsibility to work with people and properties. Focusing too much of your time and efforts on small, repetitive tasks can pull time away from helping your residents and growing your community.

Continue Building Relationships

Above all else, continue building strong relationships. Take the time to get to know both current residents, as well as potential residents of your community. Learn everything that you can about their needs and troubles in regards to your property. Keep their concerns at the top of your priority lists and you’ll find that they’ll start to talk positively about you and your building. Plus, you never know what relationships can lead to even bigger opportunities!

Remember, progress is impossible without change. Don’t limit yourself to “the way you’ve always done it”. Instead, keep an open mind on ways to improve not just as a property manager, but as an individual as a whole. As you continue your journey in taking your property to the next level, keep building on where you are and never be complacent!

This article was written by Justin LaRocque (Marketing Communications Manager) for Planned Companies, the industry leaders in janitorial, maintenance, concierge/front desk, and security services in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Catering to both residential and commercial properties, we proudly provide services throughout New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC and San Francisco. For more information about our services, please visit our website at www.plannedcompanies.com or call us at 888-706-8600.