Utilizing Modern Light Bulbs to AMP up your Security

A while back we wrote an article detailing the financial benefits of changing your light bulbs to new energy efficient bulbs. Aside from saving you watts of money on the electrical bill, did you know that your light bulbs could actually serve as an additional layer of security – keeping residents feeling safer and thus happier?

Picture this:

You walk out of your apartment door, into the hallway of your building. The light’s above you are flashing; down the hall you can see areas of darkness where the lights are failing to work – This is a classic scene right out of any horror movie. Any resident would take this situation and feel uneasy walking to and from their own door. It’s commonly known that most security intrusions happen in poorly lit areas. These areas, in the eyes of the criminal intent, seemingly grant them the least likelihood of being caught. Taking that into consideration, replacing old light bulbs will drastically improve the lighting of your building, thus providing an extra layer of security, in addition to the energy savings they are going to provide.

Motion Lights

Another option to consider is using motion lights for your outdoor entrances. Having your walkways lit when detecting motion can also discourage burglars from trying to break in. This is especially great for when your residents may be away due to vacation or other events. Be sure to set the timers on these motion lights to a balanced amount of time. They will use more energy the longer that they stay on. We recommend a setting of 2 to 3 minutes from the last detected motion.

Ultimately, better lit buildings will make your residents feel significantly more safe and secure. The feeling of peace of mind, within your buildings is something you simply can’t put a price on. Resident happiness and peace of mind will then directly translate into higher retention rates – again, saving you more money.

In conclusion, you can see how a small investment in renewed lighting capabilities can translate into a high ROI down the road, with minimum upkeep. Keep your residents feeling happy and safe – and keep the profits rolling in. Talk about saving WATTS of money!