A Day of Team Building

Yesterday (April 27th), we had our Q1 Town Hall meeting at our Corporate HQ in Parsippany, NJ. Reviewing our quarterly accomplishments as well as recognizing all the great work that our entire team has been doing day in and day out was only the start of our day of team building.

For those who were present at our main HQ, we had the opportunity to work together to build several bicycles. We then donated the bicycles to a group of children from a local Boys and Girls club. Seeing their faces light up with joy completely made our day.

For our mid-Atlantic team in Alexandria, VA, they partnered with Arlington Green at Potomac Overlook Park. The team was involved with Renovating and refurbishing the park which leads towards long-term environmental impacts and public access for Arlington County, Commonwealth of Virginia, and the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Protection and Revival. They cleaned a pond full of sticks and leaves and also pulled weed and other invasive plants around the park.

Remember, Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Yesterday was an honor and a privilege to take part in these acts of service throughout the day. We hope to encourage you to leave a positive impact on the lives of others too!

Our photo album can be viewed at: http://bit.ly/2oTqEvU