Toys for Tots – Another Big Year!

We’re excited to bring Toys for Tots to Planned Companies again for the 5th year in a row! We’re grateful for all our clients and colleagues who have participated throughout the years. This year, we’d like to recognize Romulo Reynoso, our operations manager for north NJ, as he has been the man behind the scenes for all five years.

Who is Romulo Reynoso?

Romulo is a former Marine who served from 2001 to 2006. During his time in the Marines, he was also involved with Toys for Tots. Since then, he has had the opportunity to continue volunteering within Planned.

What’s the process look like?

Every November, Romulo logs into the Toys for Tots site to requests boxes for several of our locations. He then stops by Picatinny Arsenal to pick up the posters and boxes and coordinates with the Operations team to help distribute those boxes. Keep in mind that our efforts with Toys for Tots doesn’t just occur within Planned – we have several clients that volunteer their property as a place to host one of these boxes. Everyone receives a set date and begins promoting and collecting toys for their community. Every year, they manage to collect anywhere from 1000 to 5000 toys. “One year, I had to rent a U-Haul truck to deliver all the toys we had collected. Every year gets bigger and bigger.” says Romulo.—

Continuing to Give

Not only does Romulo coordinate the Toys for Tots program here at Planned, he also gives back within his own community in Washington Heights as well. For the past 2 years, he collects food and toys to pass out to the homeless around the area. Romulo pointed out, “Giving back has always been important to me and with all my involvement with Toys for Tots, it has inspired me to help those in need in my local area as well. There is always more room to give.”

We’re grateful to have Romulo as part of the Planned family. His efforts on and off the clock speak volumes and continue to inspire everyone around him. Also, thank you to everyone who continues to help us with our efforts through the years. We look forward to making this year our most successful year yet!