Ways to Create a Warm and Welcoming Lobby

When your residents walk into your building at the end of a long work day, they’ll want to immediately feel the calm and comforting sense of “home, sweet home”. Don’t make your residents wait to get into their apartment for that “ah” moment; offer them a sanctuary-like space right in your entrance way to instill a feeling of instant relief. We’ve compiled seven suggestions below to help you get started:

All About the Ambiance

Set the tone with low lighting levels, which will make your residents immediately feel relaxed. Replace your harsh overhead lights with table lamps or wall sconces, which will also double as an element of design. If you have a speaker system, softly play classical or light contemporary music in the background. Similar to the “elevator music” theory, this will remove any possibility of awkward silence, and will act as an ‘acoustic wallpaper’ for your residents. Additionally, add some candles during evening hours to really soften the room. This can create a serene atmosphere (flame-less candles work just as well if you’re uncomfortable with a live flame!).

Give a Warm Welcome

Create a welcoming space for your tenants with some color therapy tricks. Earth tones, yellows, oranges, and deep reds are known for instilling a sense of comfort, as well as for stimulating conversation. Consider trading your cold, metal furniture for wood furnishings, which will provide a sense of warmth as well. While most lobbies are equipped with hardwood or tile floors, you can easily warm up your sitting area with a simple rug.; This can create a “living room” feel for your residents.

Familiar Faces

Few things make a person feel more comfortable than seeing a familiar face. If you have resident staff in your lobby, such as a concierge or security guard, ensure that they’re greeting your residents by name. They should always offer a welcoming and personal greeting. Having resources that residents encounter on a daily basis will also instill a sense of security and safety, which in turn will offer a “home-like” feeling.

Encourage Community

Creating a cozy sitting area for your residents will encourage them to converse with one another, therefore adding a comforting sense of community. Opt for cushy chairs over couches, which will give tenants their personal space but also allow for close conversation. Create an easy conversation piece by photographing your next property event, such as a happy hour or BBQ, and putting the pictures into a photo album on your coffee table. Refresh the album as events occur, and you’ll always give your tenants a fun reason to stop by and visit. Additionally, create a board managed by your concierge staff with monthly birthdays, news, or community events to encourage conversation and comradery.

Keep it Clean

No one is comfortable in a cluttered or filthy environment. Your lobby should arguably be the cleanest area of your entire building, as it’s possibly the only common room seen by every tenant daily, and is also the first impression that any potential clients will get. Routinely keep floors mopped or vacuumed, furniture free of stains, and pillows plumped. Ensure that your janitorial staff is removing the garbage as often as necessary to ensure there is no trash or litter present in the room, either by sight, or by smell!

Design & Décor

Tastefully and thoughtfully decorating your lobby has the power to make your residents look forward to passing through, or even spending time there. Brighten your space – and your residents’ moods – with live plants, which have been proven to increase happiness and decrease stress. Displaying a vase of fresh flowers on your concierge desk or coffee table. You can alternate the type of flower or color each week. It will give your tenants a small weekly element of surprise. It’s likely you will exhibit each of their personal favorites at some point. Additionally, decorate your walls with soft, abstract artwork, or photographs of local landmarks around your town that may be sentimental or familiar to your residents.

Aim to Entertain

Supplied your residents with a consistent stream of stimulation and entertainment. You may want to consider mounting a muted television with the weather station on in the background. You could also set up a docking station for your guests to charge their phones while they wait for visitors. If you’d like to encourage more traditional entertainment, provide magazines or books on coffee tables for residents. If your property is located in a city or on a busy street, consider adding a window bar or table. This will allow for residents to sit at and people watch!

Do you have any personal tips to share when it comes to creating a warm and welcoming lobby space? Please comment below; we encourage and value your opinion!

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