Protecting your Outdoor Amenities

School is out and summer is in session. As a property manager, you’re probably just as excited about the warm weather as your tenants are. With BBQ’s and pool parties coming up, now is the time to make sure you’re protecting your outdoor amenities.

Proper Lighting

While the sun will take care of lighting up your property during the day, it’s essential to keep a set of outdoor lighting available for the evening. First, this lights the way for those who have late night events. It’ll prevent less injuries on your property. Second, something such as motion lights can ward off burglars and intruders from entering your property. A Win-Win no matter what!

Protective Equipment

Be sure to keep your pools, grills and other outdoor equipment well protected through the summer. Something as a simple tarp or waterproof cover can do a lot for outdoor furniture and grills whenever it rains. It also can prevent rusting issues. As for your pool, be sure to keep the safety equipment in a safe area with easy access for your tenants.

Security Guards on Watch

It can never hurt to have extra eyes watching your property. Keeping a guard or two on site can ensure that nothing gets vandalized. Security Staff not only offers protection to your outdoor amenities, but also to your residents and guests too. It puts their minds at ease knowing that they are protected during their BBQ’s, pool parties and other summer events.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to protecting your outdoor amenities this summer. Don’t feel like it’s ever too late either. The summer has only begun!