Hurricane Awareness

Hurricane Awareness

While property managers have lots to consider when improving and protecting their areas, factors such as budgets, break-ins and clean properties aren’t the only aspects to consider. It’s also important to consider events that are not in our control. Right now, it’s crucial to be aware of hurricane season! This usually takes place between June 1st and November 30th. Here are a few ways be prepared in advance while also educating your staff and residents at the same time.

Emergency Kits

One of the first items that should come to mind when preparing in advance is assembling an emergency preparedness kit. When educating your staff and residents, start with your basic necessities for a general First Aid kit. This can include different size bandages, antibiotic ointment, antiseptic cleansing wipes and Hydrocortisone cream packs. You’ll also want to include items such as a flashlight, extra batteries, bottled water, scissors, a multi-purpose tool, etc. Visit to learn more on proper items for an emergency kit.

The Evacuation Plan

Encourage your residents to create a household evacuation plan that even includes pets! Create a map of the property showing all exits and surround areas. Give a copy to each of your residents so that they have a point of reference in case of any emergencies. This also allows them to go over it with their family so that everyone is on the same page. On the back of the map, list out various emergency contact information so that everyone knows who they can reach out to during various situations. This contact list should include phone numbers and addresses of the local police and fire department.

Stay in Tune with the News

While not everyone may watch the news and weather reports, as a property manager, it’s important to keep an eye out for various weather hazards and emergency reports. Create a general Facebook page or email newsletter where you can post on a regular basis keeping your community up-to-date with relevant news that may affect the area. As mentioned in past blogs, communication with your community is essential with keeping your residents happy and feeling safe!

While there may not be any signs of emergency at the moment, it’s always smart to plan ahead by completing the suggestions above. The good thing about all of this advice is that none of it has an expiration date. Once you’ve developed the kits and evacuation plans, they will always be there for you and your tenants. It will also put their mind at ease knowing that you’ve taken initiative in being prepared for the worst at all times.