Follow Up with the Snowstorm

Now that the snowstorm has come and gone, as a property manager, it’s important to start considering what to do next. Follow up with the snowstorm by reaching out to your staff and residents and make sure to keep everyone on the same page with safety precautions. Be aware of others potential hazards that may develop in the aftermath such as icy walkways or frozen equipment. Don’t let these issues set your residents up for a bad experience. Here are a few tips on how to properly follow up with the snowstorm.

Clear the Way

First and foremost, make sure everyone can exit and enter your property safely. As you know, the world keeps spinning and chances are, most of your residents need to get out to the world and continue with their business. It’s your responsibility to have someone salt your sidewalks and have a plow ready for the parking lot areas. Whether you work with outsourced services or in-house personnel, confirm that they are ready and able to take care of these areas of your property.

Damage Report

Depending on the level of the snowstorm, it’s possible to be left with power outages and damaged property areas. Look around and stay in contact with your staff to see if anyone notices any equipment that may be damaged or harmed. In addition, keep an eye out for any potential threats such as basement flooding or dangling broken tree branches.

Listen for Feedback

Take time to follow up with staff members who have received complaints or issues that were brought to their attention from residents. Understand the problem and follow through with a quick and accurate solution. Furthermore, review digital aspects as well, such as emails or Facebook messages. You never know where your residents could be trying to get your attention. Be sure that your staff is doing the same.

The sooner you follow up with the snowstorm, the better. Certain problems may need fast attention and could get worse if not solved quickly and efficiently. Always stay calm and keep your staff up-to-date with everything that is going on. With situations like this, communication is most certainly the key!