Do You Love Your Staff?

In today’s world, it’s essential to have your residents and guest love your staff. The only way to do that is to make sure that you’ve got great staff on the job. So, what does great staff look like? Here are a few must-have characteristics that your staff should display in order to win over the hearts and minds of your residents and guests.


The very first characteristic to look for in your building staff is honest. Speaking and acting out of trust is the foundation of a great relationship. Your residents want to be able to trust that the living environment is watched over safely and is in good hands. This alone can make or break a property and the people who live on it.


When it comes to good morning greetings and the reassurance that your property is safe, you want your staff to give off an upbeat, positive vibe. Enthusiasm is very contagious and can make anyone’s day simply by being greeted with a positive attitude in the morning. Also, you’ll find that the people who love what they do will stay loyal to your property. They’ll also want to continue working there for a very long time. It’s a big turn off when you’re walking through the entrance of your building to see the front desk personnel sleeping on the job. Find those who love what they do, and you’ll start to see a major difference in their engagement with your residents and guests.


Not to be confused with cockiness or egotistic, it’s important that you building staff shows confidence in what they do. To many, they are viewed as the experts. This in turn, should put your residents’ minds at ease knowing that their environment is safe, protected and clean. Someone who comes off as unsure about their responsibilities can create a lack of trust.

Overall, finding these characteristics in your staff has a lot to do with your hiring methods. It all starts with hiring the right people to begin with so that you don’t need to train Also note that a lot of these characteristics are not really teachable to begin with. You’ve got to take time to seek out the diamonds in the rough.