We’re all salespeople; Planned’s sales culture

What is your job?

Some of us are security guards.

Some of us are executives.

Some of us are blog post writers – but there is one common job we all have at Planned whether we realize it or not.

We’re all salespeople.

We don’t all carry a sales quota or report to Dino but our underlying job at Planned is to promote the company, our team and our services to those outside of Planned.


You might meet a property manager at a party and start to discuss your jobs.   Nobody expects you to pull out a laptop and share a PowerPoint presentation about Planned’s services but it would be very realistic to recommend Planned to that person and suggest connecting them with one of our salespeople.

Why would you, or your co-worker from Ops or Finance, be motivated to promote Planned to a new acquaintance?

Because Sales benefits us all.


We all know people who were put out of jobs during the quarantine because their companies lost their customers.   Planned on the other hand, has been very fortunate in that we have been able maintain a significant percentage of our revenue allowing us to keep furloughs and lay-offs at a bare minimum.

Our customers, multi-family, HOA, Condo have all been at capacity during the quarantine with everybody staying in their homes and this will help us maintain our growth and ensure that our employment remains secure.   To continue our mutual secured employment, we all need to sell.

How can you “sell Planned”?    Promote Planned on Social Media, like a post, share one of our videos, post a positive story about your experience at Planned.  Follow your customers and when they post, like/share/comment on those posts.   Your customers will appreciate your engagement and you’ll be promoting Planned too.


Those of us in the field are Planned’s “eyes & ears” who hear from our clients their concerns and their challenges.  They may not have a front desk person in place.  Some may think that’s because they’ve determined they don’t need one however the truth maybe they just don’t understand why they need one.   Offering a helpful suggestion about the advantages of staffing their front desk is a form of selling without being ‘salesy”.

And opportunities like these are perfect for our Lead Incentive program which generously pays the field team for new leads that turn into proposals.

From the friendly staff who answer our phones to our HR team who cordially greet and speak with new applicants we all “sell” in different ways.

Your efforts to promote Planned to clients and prospects help ensure that we stay strong as a company and establish our Sales Culture.  At year’s end when we all raise a glass to another great year you can enjoy the feeling knowing that you played a key role in our financial growth.


When everyone pitches in, everyone benefits, we all sell.