The growing popularity of online shopping – combined with increased demand due to the ongoing pandemic – have some packaging experts predicting a “shipageddon” in 2020.

According to one national estimate, as many as 79.1 million parcels may be shipped per day in the 34-day period between Thanksgiving and Christmas. That represents a jump of 12 million packages each day from 2019.

Planned Companies, which provides concierge, front desk and security services to apartment buildings and condominium complexes across the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic and western regions, offers these tips for smooth e-commerce and delivery experiences this holiday season.

  • Don’t wait until the last minute to buy your gifts. The United States Postal Service recommends ordering gifts to be shipped by normal ground shipping by December 15 in order to ensure delivery by December 25. The sooner you order, the less a chance you have of shipping delays.
  • Consider buying from retailers that allow curbside or drive-up pickup. Retailers such as Kohl’s and Target are doubling the number of parking spaces for package pickup to meet the anticipated demand.
  • Avoid allowing packages to sit unattended. Monitor when packages are scheduled to arrive. Consider starting a spreadsheet to keep track of when holiday packages are due for delivery. Leaving packages on the porch or in your mailbox overnight is a signal to thieves.
  • Communicate with your neighbors. If you are away, a neighbor may be able to accept a package for you in your absence. You will be able to return the favor when you are home and they are away.
  • Your apartment building or condominium complex may offer package tracking and acceptance services, adding an extra level of security.

Planned Companies’ proprietary Building Link technology is designed to ensure residents receive packages promptly and correctly. When a package arrives, the concierge scans in a received parcel and immediately emails the resident to alert them. They then place the package in a secured room. This technology results in zero error when it comes to mixed up or forgotten packages. Planned Companies is committed to maintaining package security for all residents at the properties it serves.

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