Property Managers: How to Make a Powerful First Impression

First impressions are everything. Not only do you get ONE chance to make a positive first impression, but once formed… they can be difficult to change.

Many decisions in life are based on a ‘gut feeling.’ For instance, when you meet someone, you may know right away if you like them or adversely…you may be rubbed the wrong way. The same goes for tenants who are visiting an apartment they’re considering leasing.

From the moment a prospective tenant or resident enters a building, he or she needs to feel comfortable with the environment, their comfort level will be determined in part by two key senses, sight & sound.  (don’t forget about smell)

What ‘feeling’ do you think potential tenants get as they walk through your doors?


Here are some items to keep in mind:



Appearance is key.

Are the grounds tidy? Is the common area/lobby clean?

Beyond cleanliness – what do you notice as you pan the entryway? Are the walls freshly painted?  Are all light bulbs working properly?   Are there stains on the carpets or walls?


Do you notice loud music?  Barking dogs?  Excessive noise from equipment or lighting?



Do you notice any funky odors?  (Is the apartment musty? Are there cooking odors?)


Other Senses

How is the temperature of the space?  You want to make certain that a potential new tenant is comfortable which can be accomplished by keeping your HVAC maintenance current.


Don’t forget to smile

Is your staff friendly? Are those sitting at the front desk sporting not only a neat uniform, but also a welcoming smile?

The end goal is to help the prospective tenant picture life living in your building.

Enlisting the help of a real estate service provider can provide an outside perspective and more importantly can help you create a positive initial experience.

You only get one chance to make a first impression,

Let’s get it right together.