FirstService Extends a Helping Hand to Fellow Planned Companies Employee in Need

Thanks to the FirstService Relief Fund, New Jersey resident and Planned Companies associate, Emmanuel N. was able to find support in one of the most difficult times of his life.

As an immigrant from Ghana and holding tradition and culture dear to his heart, Emmanuel assumed the role as head of the family household when his father passed. Bearing great responsibility to not only provide for his family, it was also his duty to fund a celebration of life ceremony on the one-year anniversary of his father’s death. Not only did he carry the financial burden, Emmanuel also had to coordinate the ceremony in a country 5,000 miles away!

However, fortunately for Emmanuel, Planned’s parent company, FirstService Corporation, was able to step in and provide support through their FirstService Relief Fund, which assists employees  in times of financial struggle.

“Losing my father was a big blow for me and my family. It’s easy to let a hardship get you down, but I want people to know that there is help available, and even when things seem very bad, they will get better,” explained Emmanuel.

100% of money donated to the FirstService Relief Fund goes to help employees, franchisees and employees of franchisees who are facing financial hardship immediately after a natural disaster or an unforeseen personal hardship. And the Fund relies primarily on individual donations from these same individuals, which is why every contribution helps and every dollar makes a difference.

As the saying goes, “your greatness is not what you have, but what you give”- with that said, THANK YOU to all of those that donated and to FirstService for organizing this effort.

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