How Do You Ensure Your Residents Get To Work?

Now that the holidays have past, everyone is getting back into the swing of things with their work schedules. Keep in mind that the wintry weather is just getting started. As a property manager, it’s crucial to ensure your residents get to work in a safe and timely manner. Here are a few tips on how you can make your residents’ experience a safe one as they exit your property.

Clean Lobby Floors

The first area that your residents are going to walk through as they leave is your Lobby entrance. With all the traffic this area sees, it’s a top priority to be aware of. Keep the rugs and doorways clear of debris clear of any slush or snow that may have been tracked in. For hard floors, make sure you keep the area as dry as possible as often as you can. Have a dedicated staff member or team monitor the floors at all time. The last thing you need is an injured resident after falling on a slippery floor.

Outdoor Sidewalks

Now that you’ve got the inside walkways under control, the next major area to keep organized is your outdoor entrances and sidewalks. If your main entrance way isn’t weather-protected by an awning or rooftop, make this area a top priority. Ice can build up quickly with all the extra foot traffic dragging in wet shoes and slush. Keep extra sidewalk salt handy at the front door and spread it every few hours depending on the level of bad weather.

Parking Lots

We all know how tricky parking lots can be. If you have indoor parking areas, consider yourself lucky during this time of year! For the rest of you, just because your guests have made it out of the building safely doesn’t mean your job of ensuring their safety is done yet. First, clear the lot of any heavy snow or slush that may have landed the night before. Next, keep the area safe to walk on by using similar rock salt that you used for your outdoor sidewalks. Depending on the size of your parking lot, you may need to hire a rock salt truck to cover everything. Lastly, make sure the entrance/exit to your parking lot is completely plowed and available for vehicles to enter and leave the property.

Following these steps will ensure your residents get to work safely and on time. Keep an eye on the weather days before, if possible. Consider how much time is required to set up and be prepared for snow and ice. Plan to keep lots of backup rock salt just in case. Equip your lobby staff with proper tools such as shovels in order to maintain the front of your entrance. Always keep a few extra caution signs around as well.  The new year is here but so is the wintry weather!