Excitement turns to worry

This story highlights how the FirstService Relief Fund was key in helping an associate who had to unexpectedly quarantine for two weeks due to COVID.  The associate in this story has chosen to remain anonymous. 


When “B” started working as a high-rise Concierge with Planned Companies in the fall, he looked forward to going to work each evening and providing friendly service to residents and guests of the property.

One day, less than two weeks into his new job, a co-worker asked if B would switch shifts with him. B readily agreed. The following day he learned that the co-worker for whom he covered had tested positive for COVID-19. As a result, B would be required to quarantine for two weeks and produce a negative test result in order to return to work.

B was concerned about the well-being of his new coworker and about his own family. Had he unwittingly exposed his parents and grandparents to the virus? Soon his worries turned to his day-to-day financial responsibilities. Without work there would be no pay. And without pay, how would he keep up with his bills?

Fortunately, his supervisor told him about the FirstService Relief Fund. He applied right away and supplied the requested documentation. Within two days, he received word his grant application had been approved.

“It was the easiest thing ever,” says B. “It may have taken all of 10 minutes to complete the application.”

Just a few days later he received the funds to help cover his rent, cell phone and other bills.

“If you need help, ask for it. Everyone can use help at some point in their lives, and there is no shame in asking for it when you need it. The Relief Fund made this time 100 times easier for me,” said B.

B is happy to be back to work at a job he loves, and his colleagues are happy to have him back.

“This entire process showed me how much Planned and FirstService care about their employees. I am so lucky to be part of this great organization and have already recommended the company to friends and family. I give it a 10 out of 10, and would recommend anyone facing personal financial hardship look into the Relief Fund.”

If you are facing a personal financial hardship, we encourage you to check out the FirstService Relief Fund. There are a number of helpful resources available to you online. Please visit FirstService Relief Fund for more information.

